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Flags of political parties: Neonazi (Sweden)

Last modified: 2014-10-04 by zoltán horváth
Keywords: political parties | neonazi | nazi | sword over werewolf | vam | vitt ariskt motstånd | swastika | sverige demokraterna | sun cross | nordiska rikspartiet | vasa sheaf |
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Förbundet Nationell Ungdom (League National Youth)

[League National Youth flag]
image by Tomislav Todorović, 01 December 2012

League National Youth (Förbundet Nationell Ungdom) is a one of the newest neo-Nazi movements in Sweden. It was founded in 2011, but the name is actually borrowed from several earlier Nazi and neo-Nazi youth organizations, the last of these being the National Youth, youth wing of the Swedish Resistance Movement, which was dissolved and merged into the main organization in 2006 [1]. Like many other similar Swedish groups, it uses a flag in national colors, with a large yellow jeran rune on blue field. The ratio seems to be about 3:5, but it is possible that 1:2 is also sometimes used. The symbol might be not entirely symmetrical, but currently there are no photos of the flag which would reveal enough details to confirm that (the same about the ratio). The flag was seen in the town of Eskilstuna on 01 May 2012, at the demonstration organized jointly by the League National Youth and Party of the Swedes [2, 3]. There are also several photos of the flag at the Facebook photo album of the movement [4, 5].
[1] Expo Skola website - page about the League National Youth:
[2] Party of the Swedes website - report about the demonstration in Eskilstuna on 01 May 2012:
[3] An independent ultra-rightist report about the demonstration in Eskilstuna on 01 May 2012:
[4] Facebook photo album of the League National Youth:
[5] Facebook photo album of the League National Youth:
Tomislav Todorović, 01 December 2012

Nationalsocialistisk Front /National Socialist Front (NSF)

[First NSF flag]
image by António Martins
[Second NSF flag]
image by Tomislav Todorović

The Nationalsocialistisk Front (NSF) uses a blue flag with a yellow swastika (the colors being exacly those of the swedish flag) NSF is currently Swedens largest (and most talked-about) neo-nazi party. A few notes on the symbolism of this flag:

  • The swastika represents the sun.
  • The blue color represents the see and sky.
  • The yellow color represents the sun or the farms.
Marcus Wendel, 7 August 1999 and 9 August 1999

The later flag of the National Socialist Front, which was adopted some time between August 1999 and February 2003 (see dates given in two paragraphs of the FOTW page se}naz.html [Editor's note: That's this page, but it is not clear where on this page those dates are given), replaced the swastika with a large blue shield, fimbriated yellow and charged with a sword pointing upwards, superimposed over the Wasa-sheaf, all in yellow (see attached image se}nsf2.gif).

The shades of the flag colours were clearly the same as those of the national flag, as can be seen on this photo:, while this one: shows that the same was true for the previous flag, whose copies hoisted indoor were obviously kept there even after the flag change.

The size of shield can be compared with the flag width from the following photos:,, Some important details of the shield are shown here:,,, and the stand-alone emblem (used on the clothes) can be seen here:

According to Wikipedia, the National Socialist Front was dissolved in 2008. At the same time, its former members founded a new party with different symbols.
Tomislav Todorović, 18 December 2009

Vitt Ariskt Motstånd / White Aryan Resistence (VAM)

[VAM flag]
image by António Martins, 23 Sep 1999
[VAM flag]
image by António Martins, 23 Sep 1999

Nazism Exposed | Flags and Symbols (Pål's site) is in error regarding this flag:

The symbol in this flag is not the Aryan Nations shield but a sword and the werewolf symbol. The sword should be pointing up not down. The symbol should not be placed in a circle. The background colour should be red, not blue. Marcus Wendel, 13 Aug 1999

Sverige Demokraterna / Sweden Democrats (SD)

Logo: a seal-like patch with a flying swedish flag and "SD", all blue and yellow.
António Martins, 27 May 1998, quoting Nazism Exposed | Flags and Symbols (Pål's site) 

Their new (?) logo is a hand holding a torch with a swedish pattern in the flame.
Marcus Wendel, 13 Jun 1999

Nordiska Rikspartiet / Nordic People's Party (NRP)

Two flags?

[VAM flag]
image by Mark Sensen; recolored by António Martins

Nordiska Rikspartiet (NRP) is a Swedish neo-naziparty and I've seen a white flag with a suncross in black (?) centered on the flag in photos of their demonstrations.
Marcus Wendel, 23 Sep 1999

[Red flag]
image by Peter Hagh

Nordiska Rikspartiet has a blood red flag with a black sun cross.

I'm a member of Nordiska Rikspartiet since 1988. The flag you have currently on your page, the sunwheel with swords, is a Norwegian symbol. One other party, Nationalsocialistisk Front, that you have the flag for on your page, has changed their symbol. They don't use the swastika any more. Now they use the "Wasa-symbol" seen on this pic: here.
Pater Hagh, 6 February 2003

Swedish Resistance Movement (SMR)

[Flag of Swedish Resistance Movement]
image by Pete Loeser and Tomislav Todorović, 20 November 2011

[Flag of Swedish Resistance Movement]
image by Pete Loeser and Tomislav Todorović, 04 March 2014

The Swedish Resistance Movement (SMR) is a Swedish, militant Neo-Nazi organization that exists in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö and Linköping. The Leader is Klas Lund, former member of White Aryan Resistance (VAM), and convicted of manslaughter.
The aims of Swedish Resistance Movement is to establish a Nordic government by revolution. The organization says their fight will require bloodshed. Like many neo-Nazis and white nationalists groups, they call themselves the resistance, because they consider themselves to be fighting Jewish-Marxist tyranny.
The organization is mainly known for their links to heavy criminality. According to the Swedish Security Service, the SMR is the Neo-Nazi Group which is the biggest threat against Sweden's inner security. Their main tactic is handing out leaflets about crimes committed by foreigners and immigrants in Sweden, arranging public rallies and training their members in martial arts and other physical activities such as marches and paintball. Their camps in the Swedish woods have left some people to believe they are training for a civil war or a revolution. In November 2003, the Swedish Security Service raided homes of leading members, among them Klas Lund, who was later sentenced to prison for illegally possessing a firearm.
Pete Loeser, 20 November 2011

I can see that one flag has the emblem on a plain green background, while the other one has it on a green "diamond" (square standing on a tip), itself on a green and white horizontal triband. Both the emblem, on both images, and the rim of the square — are black and show narrow white edging.
The emblem is a "stick-figure" arrow (i.e. made of three strokes sharing one end fanning out at an acute angle, the middle one longer) pointing up, and/or (because often these symbols have dual meaning) the nordic rune tyr "ᛏ" (aka teiwaz; see
The up-pointing arrow is sometimes used by political parties worldwide espousing Christian-Democracy views (which is not what may sound to unware US readers); the tyr rune is #12 in von List’s (crackpot) version of the futhark, the one cherished by neo-Nazis, and it is used as emblem by several such groupings, namely the Thule-Seminar.
I note also that flag uses a slightly darker sade of green, and wonder if this is meaningful, and also wonder what’s the difference between these two flags. (Pete’s text doen’t mention the flags nor any other emblematic usage.) >.
António Martins-Tuválkin, 20 November 2011

Here's the source picture. Nice and big to see details.
The flag with plain field seems to have the ratio 1:2. and that of the triband seems to be 3:5. He used RGB 51-102-51 for plain field flag and RGB 51-153-102 for the triband.
Pete Loeser, 24 November 2011

I have noticed the outline, too, but it did not look black to me, just darker than the rest of the field. Also, the outlined diamond looked darker than the rest of the field, but lighter than the outline. My conclusion, in absence of more images of the flag, is that the diamond was sewn onto the flag, making the area less transparent and therefore looking darker. Of course, it is possible that we find more photos of the flag which will prove Antonio's impression to be correct.
Tomislav Todorović, 26 November 2011

There was a discussion whether there is a black outline around the rune on the plain green flag as well. At the time when the image was created, I thought that there was none. However, after a better analysis of the source image.
I decided that there actually is an outline, barely visible and often smaller than on the other flag, therefore being closer to the rune, although that seems not to be universally applied. Other sources were discovered which reinforced this decision, like here  and here.
Tomislav Todorović, 04 March 2014

Svenskarnas parti / Party of the Swedes (SvP)

[Flag of Party of the Swedes]
image by Tomislav Todorović, 08 January 2012

In 2009, when I wrote my contribution about the flag of National Socialist Front, a neo-Nazi political party from Sweden, I ended it with a statement that the party was dissolved in 2008, its former members having founded a new party with different symbols  This time, I will deal with the new party I had mentioned then - the Party of the Swedes:
Party of the Swedes (Swedish: Svenskarnas parti; abbreviation: SvP) was founded in 2008 as the People's Front (Swedish: Folkfronten) by former members of previously disbanded National Socialist Front. In 2009, during the preparations for the elections which were held the next year, it was revealed that a leftist party was already registered under the same name, so this party was renamed and registered under its current name. The name change did not affect the flag, which remained the same as adopted when the party was founded: a black cross composed of four algiz runes, fimbriated white, on yellow field. The party website claims that the composite symbol, called the Aegishjálmur (horror helmet), was an ancient Nordic battle symbol, the rune itself symbolizing both life and death. The yellow field is said to symbolize the sun and is the same shade as that from the Swedish national flag.
[1] Wikipedia page about the Party of the Swedes.
[2] Party website - explanation of the party symbol.
The described flag is shown above, which is created by using the files available for download from the party website.
The color shades recommended there were approximated with the closest Web-safe colors in order to make black really look black and yellow to have the same shade as on the FOTW image of Swedish national flag.  Out of numerous photos showing the flag on the Web, the one which might give the best view can be found at the Metro news portal. (Image)
A smaller version of the same image can be found at the party website. (Image)
In the end, let me note that the URL's from the party website are given for the vexillological purpose only, with no intention of advertising the users of the described flag.
Tomislav Todorović, 08 January 2012